Thank you for liking the work done here at The Craft Chop. It is a labor of love. All content here is free to use, commercially and personally. If you share files with friends, please direct them to the site for the link instead of sending the files directly to them. If you have benefitted from any of the files here, I would love to see your work. Seeing what I create being used provides the most ultimate enjoyment for me. If you would like to request anything specific - please do so. If I can make it, I will. There will never be a charge. But if at anytime you would like to say thank you, clicking on an ad or sending a small amount through the tip jar is greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your support.
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Do not resell the images.
If you make money using the images, it would be nice to donate a part of that income to the site but it is totally up to you.